Team workshops

Team workshops help align team members on new ideas and opportunities and provides a fun way to motivate your team to move forward faster together.

Accelerate Success workshop

The Accelerate Success workshop is a one-day workshop that helps participants align on priorities and strategies to strengthen their business. We take participants through a series of team and creative exercises to create energy, generate new ideas and strategies for growth initiatives, and align on priorities and an action plan by the end of the day. It is an intensive day, but it can be a helpful one for creating enthusiasm, alignment, and team spirit for moving the company forward.

New Opportunities workshop

The New Opportunities workshop is usually a two or three-day event, depending on the project goals and the number of opportunities needed as output from the workshop. The focus is to identify new products, new services, or new business opportunities that fit with both the company's business objectives and the brand. The workshop will utilize Design Thinking exercises and processes to produce new ideas and a selected set of rough concept prototypes. This workshop includes pre-work and overnight teamwork. We recommend holding this workshop offsite or in a very creative space onsite. Warning: whiteboards, flip charts, art supplies, and multicolor sticky notes will be used in abundance. 

Get Unstuck workshop

The Get Unstuck workshop is a two-day workshop designed for teams that are having difficulty getting new products and new growth initiatives to market. Business building initiatives are seldom helpful if they do not reach the market. In some cases, a team is struggling to come up with breakthrough ideas.  Using elements of both the Accelerate Success and New Opportunities workshop, the team will identify current barriers that are holding the business back and their root causes. Over the two days, action plans to mitigate obstacles will be identified, along with new ideas and selected rough prototypes. These outputs can be put to work right away following the workshop.  Together, we will develop a team action plan and calendar for the coming year.

To learn more, let’s talk: or 803.756.3515